How to choose a fitting size of disposable diapers in accordance with the growth of your baby

Size of disposable diapers
Both the tape-type and the pants type have various sizes for every physical development stage of babies.
Pants type
As you have seen, there are many sizes available just in moony brand.
As babies grow, their postures and skeletal structures change. Also, the amount of urine increases and the state of stools changes too. That's why, as the size of our disposable diapers gets bigger, not only do the length and width increase, but the dimensions and shape of the absorber change too. There are many other creative features that take into account babies' growing stages as well as the state of their urine and stools.
How to choose a disposable diaper most suitable for your baby?
There are various types and sizes of disposable diapers.
The reason for that is no other than the fact that babies keep growing and changing.
Also, each baby grows at a different speed and is different in their physical shapes. They are all unique.
Therefore, there are a few points to consider to find the most perfect disposable diaper for your baby.
Now, let’s look at them.
Points to consider while choosing most suitable diapers for your baby
In order to choose the best disposable diaper for your baby that is comfortable and without leakage, check the following points.
1. First, confirm the size
By referring to the weights written on the package, check which applies to your baby.
2. Check which fits the physical shape of your baby
Newborn babies are round and curled up just like when they were in their moms' bellies. As they begin to stand up, their backbones become straighter gradually. The diaper should fit the shape and skeletal structure of your baby at each growth stage, otherwise there would be gaps between the diaper and the body which cause leakage. Let's choose a type that is snug to your baby’s body.
3. When babies are a few months old, check the state of their stools too
There are disposable diapers that have features focusing on the state of stools of babies in the lactational period, such as moony’s Newborn and S size. So consider the state of the stools too. For example, “my baby is rather small, but his/her stools are getting more solid.”
4. How is your baby's development in the ability to move?
Not only the body shape, but the developmental stage in mobility is also a reference point in selecting the type of diapers. It is the shift from a tape-type to a pants type. There seems to be many moms who think that “when my baby starts standing or walking, it’s time to switch to a pants type.” But haven't you found it difficult to change diaper even though your baby cannot stand yet? If your baby has started moving around, it is not easy to change tape-type diapers which have to be put on while babies are lying down. Especially, when babies start kicking their legs up and down, tossing and turning, and crawling, they do not stay still.
Actually, when they start kicking and crawling, it is time to shift to a pants type. Moonyman Natural (Pants type) S size, moonyman Air Fit S size, and M size Crawling Baby make it easy to change diaper on such babies who have started moving around a lot.
When is the time to change the size of disposable diapers?
There are various sizes of disposable diapers even in the same brand, and usually weights are used as a guideline. However, in often cases, the guideline weights overlap across 2 sizes. “My baby’s current weight is just the weight written on two sizes. Which should I choose?” Some moms may wonder like this. Even if they weigh the same, some babies are chubby, while some are rather thin and tall. No wonder moms find it difficult to choose.
Guideline for changing the size of disposable diapers
Although “Guideline weights” are written on disposable diapers, it is not the only guideline for changing the size.
Guideline for changing to one size bigger
As babies grow, the state of their urine and stools changes too. By observing them carefully, change as necessary to the most suitable size.
1. As babies grow month by month, the amount of urine at a time increases, and the absorption of diapers becomes insufficient. When stickiness from urine remains on the surface or leakage occurs sometimes. (Absorption amount of disposable diapers differs depending on the size. As the size gets bigger, the amount increases.)
2. When you start seeing red impressions around the thighs and belly.
3. When the position of tapes at the waist is getting closer to the sides (at the position marked 3 for moony and MamyPoko).
Guideline for changing due to features of disposable diaper products
From newborn to nursing period, babies grow rapidly and the state of their stools keep changing too.
Catering to all these changes, moony’s disposable diapers have various features depending on the size.
Newborn → S size
Newborn is for small newborn babies who weigh up to 5kg, as a guideline.
- When your baby weighs over 5kg
- When your baby holds his/her head up
S size → M size
moony has achieved a 3-D shaping that fits to babies’ postures and skeletal structures. Newborn and a few months old babies whose size is S are round and C shaped. The structure of these diapers perfectly fits C-shaped bodies creating no gap, which prevents leakage but is not overly tight. “Stretchy fitted gather” that flexibly stretches prevents loose stool from leaking for a few months old babies. As they grow and start to sit down, stand up and walk, their body shapes change too.
- When your baby weighs over 8kg
- When your baby starts to sit down and eats baby food (when the number of stools reduces and stools are more solid)
moony (Tape type) → moonyman (Pants type)
As they grow, babies move around more actively.
When babies start to kick their legs up and down, crawl and stand up, and you start to have difficulties in changing diaper, a pants type may be useful. Also, S and M sizes of Moony Natural (pants type) and S size of moonyman Air Fit are equipped with a 3-D “Loose stool pocket” that prevents loose stool from leaking. Moms who have tried them are very happy as stool leakage from the back was reduced greatly.
- When your baby starts to kick their legs up and down
- When your baby starts to crawl and stands up
- When you want to avoid loose stool leakage from the back